Djokovic finished 2001 as a triple European champion in singles at the age of 14, duplicates and crew rivalry. He won the silver decoration at the World Junior Championship in a crew rivalry for Yugoslavia. When he was 16, inevitably winning five ITF competitions, he was ranked the 40th best lesser tennis player in the globe. In 2004, he won his first ATP Challenger competition in Budapest, where he began as a qualifier. The accompanying year, he qualified at Wimbledon and gotten to the third gather, moving him together the rankings and into the Top 100. He is as of now number one in new ranking 2012.
Djokovic talks Serbian, Italian, German and English. His two younger blood mates, Marko (born in 1991) and Djordje (born in 1995), are both in school and play tennis. Djokovic's cheerful psyche has earned him the nickname "Djoker," a fusion of his surname and the saying "joker." He is known for his entertaining off-court impersonations of associate tennis players.
Novak Djokovic Body
Novak Djokovic Holding Trophy
Novak Djokovic Excited
Novak Djokovic World Number One Player
Novak Djokovic
Novak Djokovic